This was a writing lesson from McKaylah the other day. She picked a topic (spitballs, she's 7, go figure...) and was encouraged to write a short story about it. She was inspired by a fellow young writer, her good friend Sam ( ) whom she admires most dearly. ;)
This is her short story. Prepare to be captivated!
The Golden Spitball Machine by McKaylah
There once was a Spitball Monster. He had big, green teeth and he stunk like rotten garbage. He had horns and claws. He had a golden spitball machine. He used it to make many gross, wet spitballs. He would spit the spitballs, all wet and smelly, at the children walking to school. The kids would scream and cry. The monster would laugh and run away back to his cave and make more gross spitballs with his golden spitball machine. When will he ever grow up?