We all love arts and crafts around here. Sewing, scrapbooking, jewelry making, collage, painting, you name it and we're gung-ho to try it. Here's a little peek into the last couple weeks for us...enjoy...
Lucky because layout, in honor of St. Pat's day, a rainbow with the reasons I'm lucky...
Fairy Birthday layout
ART ATTACK!-the name of my art classes/shop if I ever open one...discuss...
Here's a couple Kandinsky repos McKaylah did, and an altered Vinny Van Gogh head Ava did (hers has chicken pox she said)
cartoon repo of the Kandinsky and VG repos
"Winter Waits" art project I'm selling on my etsy, watercolors, wax pencil, tempura paint, lace pieces, glitter, yum!
in the window the girls Van Gogh "Starry Night" painting, next to a real Starry Night painting I bought from a traveling artist. Also, on the window sill there's a black and gold paper piecing/collage that's representative of Gustuv Klimt's work,"Tree of Life." I'm putting art kits together for that one as well.
the fireplace mantle decorated with spring and easter stuff. I'm making a banner to hang across the front now.
these were my Granny's Easter bunny figurines, there's 3 of them. I love them because they remind me of her, and they have glitter on them...
Henri Matisse project we did last week, all collage work, Ava's is the house, McKaylah's is the underwater scene
We've been crafting up a storm around here. McKaylah started sewing lessons two weeks ago and her teacher cannot believe how good she is on a sewing machine at the young age of 7. Personally I'm not surprised as she's always been pretty artistic and crafty.
here's her first ever sewing project, she made this pillow for my mom out of different fabric pieces and sewed around the two hearts and everything all by herself. I'm a pretty proud mama! If any of you out there in Blogger Land wouldn't mind leaving her a comment below she'd be so delighted to hear from you!!
She loves to embroider and sew by hand, along with art classes here. Ava has been taking art classes there, too. They love their art classes at AAC, but we do double at home. We always have papers, buttons, stickers, paint, etc. out. McKaylah started an Art Appreciation discussion time with me every Wednesday as well. We read another chapter each time of an art appreciation book I got, and we love it.
(here's the back grounds of the Abington Art Center)
I've been making more hairpins and rings to put on my etsy, as well as I just put together a kids art kit titled "Winter Waits." I thought it appropriate for the chill we've been having here in the northeast (will spring ever come???) I also have put together an art kit for kids (or those who act like one) that is a softie owl. Patterns are included, felt sheets, fabric to make wings, a beak, etc. Buttons for big eyes. A very simple project for a child about 7 or so and older. All hand sewing. I've been painting and scrapbooking more this last couple weeks and looking forward to my jewelry class in June in Portland, Oregon with Sally Jean, can't wait! Since I've been scrapbooking more, I have been logging on to here, and just really enjoying getting to know some other women who are super talented and make me so jealous with their artistic flair!
Our owls, the red on the left was done solely by McKaylah, she cut everything out, sewed it by hand, etc. Mine is the blue one.
Ava's springtime goddess ceramic figure. The back has dreads, so cool! Dave snagged it from me and took it to work to have in his office!
McKaylah making a cat template for a printing project
McKaylah's final print piece
Ava using a brayer to paint her cat template
Ava's rainbow "catwalk"-Ha! Ha!- thank you-you're all beautiful, I'll be here all week!