This week has been a craft jamboree over here. I am trying to complete my projects for Category Stories before we move (although, once again, my husband's visa/FM3 has been messed up by the powers that be...I feel like at this point I'll never move...) Check out the new prompt over at Category Stories the beginning of March, it's a fun one.
"Precious Things" is the first prompt for March... come on over and play!!!We have awesome Nut and Bee prizes!!!!
and here and here, I couldn't resist these fun challenges...
this challenge, using the prompt, "For the Love..." I said, For the Love of Vintage,
and this challenge on this wonderful site...using lace in a project, not hard... a pin cushion in an egg cup...
and finally, trying to keep up with the laundry, school and other "wifey" duties has been hard with this lovely class...the RVA girls have made the last two weeks full of crafty goodness!
My felt tee-pees have been a hit in the girls little fairie village (the one on the left has a bit of a gangsta lean...) even Cricket is making a cute one....
and my vintage doilies table-runner, so fun to make. I used buttons with embroidery floss and hand sewed them together. Two of them are my Granny's.
There are a lot of other projects I'm behind on, plus I'm done with Twilight, starting on New Moon. Hard to choose what to do next, make dinner, craft or read???