so, I tried to be better with snapping pictures today, but it's still hard to constantly carry my camera with me, even though I usually feel like I do. Anyhoo, here's Friday (TGIF!)...
6:45 wake up, take furbabies out (no camera once again, but it's not that exciting I swear.)
7:45 take big sis to school
8:00 take little sis to her school
8:30 return home, feed 4 hungry pooches (there's a special system, spoiled pooches, but I super love them), put away dishes from the night before
8:45 have some breakfast tea
9:00 arrange flowers brought over by my neighbor-sweet neighbor!!
10:00 dust a bit, clean up stranded toys and clothing
11:30 play with dogs for a bit, clean up yard from torn up stuffed animal and fill holes dug by stinkin' naughty dogs...(I decide I don't super love them anymore...)
12:15 go pick up little sis for early-out day, she has a swim playdate with equally cute friend..again, never ending bumper to bumper traffic...
2:00 pick up big sis and her bf from school, they have playdate consisting of giggling, whispering and lots of brownie eating
6:00 pick up little sis, bf goes home and we head out for dinner. Go to a rotisserie chicken place where big-time politician with 4 bodyguards sits next to us. They do not know why I take pictures of my husband eating (eccentric Americans...)
7:30 walk across the street after dinner for a yummy Cassava Roots frappe. Geisha Coffee for me, Donkey Kong for beefcake, and little sis enjoys a Rasputin Raspberry. Big sis is too busy snapping photos of young couple smoking hookah pipe to want a drink.
9:00 little sis says good night, mom and big sis scrapbook
10:15 dad gets back from an hour of jujitsu, big sis goes to bed, we watch reruns of the Office in bed
12:15 (now technically Saturday) trying to keep up with this week in the life thing, whew!...