so, I'm finding this project super fun, and at the same time, difficult to keep up with. Doing a post with pictures everyday is hard!
So, Saturday, same routine in the a.m. as usual...
8:00 slept in a bit, let dogs out to use the lu, started a load of laundry (does it EVER end??)
8:15 make coffee, clean up scrapbook room with little sis, (discuss world affairs, art, politics)
here's what I finished up
Xmas at the beach (last year's Xmas we spent it in sunny Acapulco)
Mr. Bunny, this Easter with the EB at the mall (Stroneridge Mall in Pleasanton, CA), one for each of the girls albums, now I wish I would have made one for my album...
8:30 feed dogs (one dog missing in this photo-op), clean up yard, jump in the shower
9:00 little sis makes herself a little pb and j for breakfast (another FAB-U-LOUS little sis original fashion)
10:00 bug Dave to get up ALREADY! (poor sleepy baby...)
12:00 run by Starbucks (because I forgot to drink my coffee...)(I got an iced chai)(big sis takes a sip)
12:15 go to Dave's office to fax back paperwork on the Philadelphia house
(a view from Dave's office window down to Avenida de la Reforma)
12:30 feel sad, really sad about selling PA house
12:45 remind myself to feel grateful, really grateful that in this housing market we broke even, even came out ahead a bit
1:00 grab some tacos at a taco stand in Polanco, delicioso tacos=siesta...
stopped by a French bakery, chocolate-cafe eclair for little sis, big chocolate chip cookie for big sis (well, dad shared both...)
1:30 saw rad Budda head in store window, decided to look inside for Budda head in crazy-packed store. Decide to buy Budda head (here he is, he's about 2 1/2 feet tall, I'm putting him in the terrarium garden I'm making in front of this window)
4:00 finish up at grocery store
6:30 start BBQ
6:31 friends arrive, our friend Fausto and his girlfriend Ornella gave the girls a new Karaoke game for the XBox, singing and more singing, cocktails are poured...
8:00 eat too much, vow to exercise better next week...
9:00 watch new DVD, Avatar, with little sis, big sis and friends play cards in the dining room
12:00 little sis is asleep on me, big sis is forced to go to bed after winning quite a few hands at cards, man I'm tired...
1:00 nighty-night for me...