6:45 get up, let out dogs, get the girls up and ready for school
7:50 walk big sis to school
7:55 kiss beefcake good-bye
8:00 feed dogs
8:15 drive little sis to school
9:00 walk dogs through park and climb the steep lawn and run the stairs with my friend Marianne
10:30 make a cranberry and mineral water spritzer after my park outing
10:35 water the garden
here's my green nails I did last night watching District 9 (lame.)
11:30 shower, get dressed, do my make-up
11:45 spray a little perfume on, oh-shantay...
12:00 start laundry, sweep and eat lunch, check emails, upload pictures, look for flights to San Diego
1:30 go get little sis from school
2:00 get big sis from school
2:15 snacks and homework, laundry, make lunches with little sis for tomorrow (bento box)
4:30 scrapbook for Creative Type and Category Stories prompts
5:30 start dinner (white chicken-veggie chili, looks gross, but it's SO good!), bake cornbread
5:30 Dave gets home, kiss beefcake
6:30 eat dinner, do dishes
8:00 girls off to bed, Dave goes to an 8:30 jujitsu class, edit photos and blog some
10:00 watch Chelsea Lately while waiting for Dave
10:30 night