I believe I've mentioned before my obsession with lists? I make them about everyday about errands I need to run, things I need to buy, schedules to complete, it makes me feel more organized and centered. Sometimes I look back though and I laugh at the things I actually wrote down "pick up girls from school," "buy new shoes, size 7. " Really? Size 7, did I forget what size I wore once I arrived at the store? Well, luckily earlier I wrote it down on my handy-dandy list...
The girls and I have a thing about finding lists and reading them. We love the abstract voyeurism we get from peeking into a strangers life. Whenever we find a list, we love inventing who the people would be, what they look like, where they're from. Their handwriting and the items on the list, it's like a peephole into a stranger's life. Big sis has quite the collection of discarded lists we've found. We also love discarded passport photos, but that's another post.
Have you ever seen the book, Milk, Eggs, Vodka, by Bill Keaggy? It's a fun collection of grocery lists discarded by people who from their list, you can guess a lot about them. This one below is obviously a lady PMSing, and look at the rest, the author makes great observations on each.
Well, yesterday we found this discarded list in a shopping cart. We can surmise a muchacha (housekeeper here in Mexico) wrote the list, notice some of the spelling. Pollo, is "poyo" spelled phonetically, as well as a couple others, Clinex, sanahorias instead if zanahorias (carrots), and I love the tampox, too. Bless her heart, she's a good little list maker!
I'll have to show a few of the other choice lists we've found someday.
Have you ever found any funny or interesting lists?