Day 5 of 30 Truths, something I hope to do in my life. It's funny, a few years ago I did a mini book that had 100 things I wanted to do before I die. Due to my husband's constant change in position in his company (always for the better, but still moving around the world every 2-3 years) has allowed me to do many of things I had on the list. Climb a pyramid, french kiss on the Eiffel Tower, ride a gondola in Venice, learn another language, get a blessing by a shaman, live abroad, learn to cook Indian, the list is 100 long...but something I have NOT done that I hope to do is read the Bible (new Testament), Torah (old Testament) and the Koran which I have always wanted to do. I want to know more about the 3 most powerful religions. Why they work, why they don't. I went to Catholic school, but sadly never really read, or absorbed what was in the Bible. Shame, shame, shame...