Welcome back to autumn scrapbooking and new challenges! The Creative Type is back in full force, y 'all. Come over to the newly revamped blog and play along!!!! Meet the new members, try out for the upcoming DT call, say hola to the old-timers, see what's new...I love all my Creative Type team members, but when the newest prompt was to do a page about another CT team member, I knew I'd have to do Steph, my Brit friend I adore! We were lucky enough to meet when we were in the UK a few months ago. She's warm, genuine and lovely! My girls were enchanted with her accent and friendliness and we hope to see her again when we go back to the UK next year. Here's a pic of her, my girls and me outside Hampton Court Palace where we spent the day walking through the grounds once ruled by Henry V111.
So come play over at the Creative Type, the prompt is to do a page about someone special in your life, a friend, family member, someone you admire. There is also a new Design Team call, we're looking for some new blood, so get over there and tell us about yourself! Come play along!!!!!!