Having my parents here has been awesome. My house is 100 years new so my dad planed old, funky doors that didn't shut properly, rewired a bath light, so graciously bought me new furniture for my front porch since all mine was taken away to storage on the west coast when we thought the girls and I were moving to Mexico for the whole year (confused? Me, too..read past posts if you want more info), we planted flowers in pots on the front porch and my mom and I are painting my small half this week. But more than all the gifts and handy help, there's NOTHING better than subjecting your 70 year old dad, good old dad, Papa as the Little's call him, to impromptu dance parties,talent shows and walks through Philadelphia to leave "love notes." For those just tuning in here at our home, we are known to every once and awhile go out for the day, stopping by stores, coffee shops, visiting cracks in the walls of 140 year old buildings and topiaries by doorways, with tiny, teeny notes with the words written on the outside, "read me." We think it's hilarious to watch innocent passerbys faces when they see them tucked under the jar of sugar at a coffee shop or in a shoe display at a store. The messages are fun, light-hearted messages like "you make the world a better place," or "someone has a crush on you!" Anyhoo, back to my story, my dad is more a no-nonsense type of gent, he really gets embarrassed to have to do these type of things. Dance parties (music booming with Culture Club, Kajagoogoo and Feist) and talent shows with costumes and cheering, it's almost TOO much for him.
On Sunday I took my parents downtown to the Betsy Ross House. I thought they'd like that. We'd gone on a fieldtrip earlier in the school year to do some of our Pennsylvania history requirements, and the Little's loved it. My dad likes history so I thought he'd like to take a break from grinding and sanding and get out...
Betsy Ross house, small, huh?
we weren't allowed to take pictures inside, but we did leave one love note in the sweet little courtyard.

who, me?
of course afterward we walked around a bit and left our loves notes. My mom, the girls and I love it, even Dave thinks it's pretty funny.
Hi Edward!
cute shoes, huh? I got them...

stopped in for an iced chai here...

and this guy is riding across America with his cute pooch to raise money for shelters. His dog was so sweet and gentle, even not seeming to mind in the least wearing his googles, even seemed more comfortable with them on. 

and the 2009 Annual Easter Extravaganza Talent Show Night...so fun. Big sis was the MC and did a great job. She also did a magic act that was awesome and danced with Grandma. Grandpa read jokes from Highlights. Dave said a joke from The Office and did a couple magic tricks. Little sis did a rollerskating and hoola hooping dance with me.
the Great BigSisterlini!!
Big Sisterlini has her lovely assistant help her with a disappearing act

magic moving rocks
Dave doing the "which hand is it in?" trick
Papa, otherwise known as "Mr. Jokes"
death defying acts abound...
Lil' Sis doing her famous hoola hooping while rollerskating act

and throw in a little "robot" and crunk and move

dancing partners
I love you all!
Have a great week!